
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Custom Dolls: Creating Eleanor

MEET Eleanor

 Eleanor is my newest custom doll. When GOTY Grace debuted, I saw this photo of her in a bomber jacket by Snister's Flock.
I immediately imagined Grace as a 1940's girl who dreams of flying planes. Obviously, I did not end up getting Grace (that darn historically inaccurate side bang!). Instead, I had the opportunity to get MyAG #61. I knew she'd be my fly girl. But there was something about those green eyes...
They just weren't right. So I started out by buying a set of eyes to repaint for her.
Too light-not right for bright red hair!
Then I found this photo and challenged Michelle from Custom Eyes  on facebook to create them!
I'm a sucker for space!
Aren't they gorgeous?!

One relatively easy eye swap later (practice first on another doll!), Eleanor was born. Her older sister is WASP pilot in the war, and Eleanor dreams of one day being a pilot too. She loves tap dancing, radio shows like the Adventures of Captain Midnight, Nancy Drew books, science fiction, and is also a Girl Scout!

Keep 'em flying, Eleanor!

You can my pinspiration board for Eleanor here.

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